
Below are some articles, press kits, and reviews where things I have contributed to are mentioned.


Prisms, Cycles, Leaps - Derrick Spiva, Jr.

The LA Chamber Orchestra live premiere of the title track from our premiere album has been receiving rave reviews by several press outlets:

"...with its recycling cells and overlapping rhythms, and of Alan Hovhaness’ controlled chance methods in which players repeat patterns freely [...] Yet most crucially, Spiva’s piece was enormous fun to listen to." - Richard S. Ginell, L.A. Times

"A clever and compelling piece, it was full of off-kilter rhythms and exotic musical scenery [...] the piece was a hit, and the composer was in the house to receive the well-deserved applause." - Laurie Niles -


in|expiration - Sheetal Ghandi

"...the connective tissue here is rhythm..."

(in reference to Immigration Soundscape"The words of Emma Lazarus are also intoned, 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.'"

Victoria Looseleaf, Fjord Review


Super Ruwaxi: Origins - Post Natyam Collective

The Electronic Presskit for Super Ruwaxi: Origins can be found here.